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Pigs in Space! [Theory Thursday]

Hey y'all! So I'm starting a section of my blog called Theory Thursday where I'll discuss scientific news and revolutionary finds from around the world with my own nerdy spin on it. Not everything will be an actual "theory" takes a while for something to make it to THEORY status (but Hypothesis Thursday just didn't have the right ring to it). If you find a cool article or topic for a future Theory Thursday post, drop me a line at!

Okay, so for this first installment, I've found an article that's very near and dear to my heart. To explain why, though, we have to travel back in time. Not literally, because if I could do that, there are some very questionable choices that I would remake (mostly boyfriends who should have never even been my boy friends).

When I was in AP Biology in the 10th grade, we were discussing genetics one fine Fall day.

Actually, it could have been Spring but that's neither here nor there. Our really awesome Biology teacher was telling us about the nucleotides that make up DNA and how animals and humans share these compounds, just in different orders. Me, being the tragic, outspoken nerd that I was, raised my hand and asked, "So, you're saying, theoretically, I could make a cow's hoof grow out of someone's stomach?"

Poor Mrs. Bryant. With a look of pure horror on her face as she considered what nefarious goal I could have in mind to make me ask such a thing, she answered, "Well, with enough generations, I guess so."

The girl in front of me (who hated me anyway for reasons unknown) turned around and said, "One day you're going to genetically alter the human race and take over the world". I mean, she wasn't far off, it's just that I do it to literary characters now. Or so you know.... muahahahahaha!

So why did I tell you this ridiculously anecdotal story? Well, because I have found out that someone stole my idea! I give you the future of human transplant organs. Scientists think they have found out how to grow human organs in pigs (because of their genetic and tissue compatibility with humans), or at the very least, replicate stem cells that could treat a variety of human illnesses.

Of course this raises a shit-load of questions and ethical concerns, but what scientific hypothesis hasn't been fraught with controversy at first? I mean, hell, people were KILLED for saying the Earth was round!

If this ended up working out, think of the ramifications. Humans may never have to experience the pain of death. We could die when we chose to, if we chose to at all. True immortality.

But for us starward-looking humans, it goes even further. If humans were to go into space, we could replicate organs, tissues, and cells to replace the ones that died or degraded due to age so that people could live longer and travel further into the cosmos. We might not need stasis sleep at all which has been a hallmark of theoretical space travel since humans first began dreaming of traveling the starways. Who cares about propulsion capabilities and travel times? We'd never have to worry about the flight crew dying and having to be replaced with new trainees. Those that began the mission could be the ones to actually set foot on a new planet outside of our own Solar System. Wouldn't that be incredible?

Of course, we'd only be able to send vegans and vegetarians because what red-blooded carnivore wouldn't be seriously considering some bacon on your way past Alpha Centauri after a lifetime of MREs and astronaut food? I know I would...

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